"Because TRUST is CAPITAL . . . " (tm)


Business and Government Ethics International (BGEI) is a professional consultancy that helps businesses and governments create and maintain sustainable ethical cultures through impactful communication, education, and integrated internal programs that are specifically tailored to their needs. When issues arise, BGEI helps clients preserve their reputations and standing by creating procedures and processes to address the problems that created those issues. BGEI brings to bear decades of its principals' organizational and academic experience to provide superior solutions.

Our Beginning

BGEI was founded to address a critical need in these difficult times. Businesses and governments often struggle to create cultures of ethics and accountability, and to maintain the confidence of customers and the trust of the public. Corporate executives and government officials recognize that, though their organizations' cultures do not appear in a budget or on a balance sheet the failure to create and maintain an ethical culture may. We want to help businesses and governments reduce the risk of such a failure. It's that simple. And our principals have been doing just that for over two decades.

“Many organizational leaders think ethics will take care of itself. That's a mistake. In the life of any organization, private or public, ethical issues arise. How those issues are addressed can have a significant impact on bottom lines, reputations, careers, and the public trust.”

— Dr. David e. McClean, FOUNDER

New Book by Our Founder: Understanding and Combating Global Corruption: A Reader provides students and anti-corruption thinkers and activists with a collection of essays by accomplished scholars and thinkers from around the world. The essays challenge readers to think through issues associated with global corruption, in both commerce and government, with reference to particular forms of corruption such as bribery and fraud, as well as to systemic or systematic abuses of power or authority.

In the opening reading, students learn that the term "corruption" has a broad definition that is not limited to quid pro quo transactions, but can also involve betrayals of trust and failures to render honest services on behalf of stakeholders. Additional readings examine the various forms of corruption that have developed within the United States throughout the country's history, and how that corruption was mitigated or ablated by government officials acting in the public interest. Students explore cases of corruption from other countries, including Brazil and Nigeria. The text closes with a philosophical argument that a "whole-of-society approach" could help countries move toward eradicating corruption.

Featuring enlightening and thought-provoking readings, Understanding and Combating Global Corruption is an ideal resource for courses in business and professional ethics.


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Dr. David E. McClean

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